With St. Valentine's Day during Lent this year, my children have been trying to come up with some alternatives to the usual candy treats they give to their friends at our annual St. Valentine's Day party and card exchange! There are many great ideas and printables to be found online, but since we prefer our cards to include references to "St. Valentine" I have been making a few of our own and thought I'd share them with you all.

After seeing this idea online, I picked up a case of individual cereal boxes at Costco last week for my oldest daughter to give on St. Valentine's Day. We decided to change the suggested text from "I CEREALsly Like You!" to "I pray that you are CEREALsly blessed this St. Valentine's Day!"

My daughter cut out each of the tags with my 1 1/2" circle punch, punched a tiny hole on one side, and side them, along with a plastic spoon, on to the cereal box with some white ribbon. They turned out so cute and she is very excited to share them with her friends!

(We started with these) Version One (I pray that you are...) Downloads:CEREALsly Blessed in RedCEREALsly Blessed in Pink

(But decided we liked these better) Version Two (May you be...) Downloads:CEREALsly Blessed in RedCEREALsly Blessed in Pink
This would also be a fun treat to surprise your children with on St. Valentine's Day!
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