With Thanksgiving coming up in a couple weeks I thought I would share a fun veggie platter that I made with my kids last year, along with an Caramel Apple fruit platter (inspired by a pin on Pinterest, I couldn't find the original link) from this afternoon. They were both very easy to make and the kids loved them! They were gobbled right up! ;)
Turkey Veggie Platter
- Leaf Lettuce
- Cucumber, sliced
- Red, Yellow and Green Bell Pepper
- Baby Carrots
- 2 Black Beans (or Black Olives)
- 1/3 of Celery Stalk
- Toothpicks
Slice the bell peppers crosswise and then cut each circle in half. Set aside the bottom part of the green pepper and 1/2" piece off of both the red and yellow peppers to use for the face. Slice the remaining peppers to use for the body.
Cover a platter with lettuce leaves. Start with making the turkey's feathers by forming a circle with the cumber slices at the bottom of the platter, followed by semi-circles of the yellow, green and red peppers. Place the baby carrots vertically above the last row of peppers.
Break two toothpicks in half. Put two of the toothpicks where the eyes will go. Push the black beans onto the toothpick making sure that the toothpick doesn't go all the way through. Cut a triangle out of the leftover bottom from the yellow pepper. Attach with a toothpick below the eyes. Attach the reserved red pepper piece to the left of the yellow pepper "beak".
Cut the piece of celery in half lengthwise. On each piece, carefully slice lengthwise from the end of the celery piece to almost the center. Do this twice on each piece. Place the celery in ice water and place in the refrigerator until the ends curl. (I didn't have time to do this step.) When curled, nestle the un-curled end under the cucumbers.
Serve with hummus or other dip of choice.
Caramel Apple Turkey
- 4 Apples (Red and Green)
- Caramel Sauce
- 1 Candy Corn
- 2 Chocolate Chips
Pour Caramel Apple Sauce into round serving dish, top with candy corn (beak) and chocolate chips (eyes) and place on platter. Cut apples into wedges. Cut one wedge in half to use as feet and arrange the remaining apple wedges in a semi circle.
Thank you, Father, for having created us and given us to each other in the human family. Thank you for being with us in all our joys and sorrows, for your comfort in our sadness, your companionship in our loneliness. Thank you for yesterday, today, tomorrow and for the whole of our lives. Thank you for friends, for health and for grace. May we live this and every day conscious of all that has been given to us. ~ From The Catholic Prayer Book, compiled by Msgr. Michael Buckley
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